Who is Myers-Insole Local Learning Community Interest Company?
What is the company about?
1 – Exploring web pages from MILLCIC site
What are the key elements required to design a curriculum based, local history resource?
- Comparing the past with the present
- Contrasting lifestyles of the rich and poor in a given period
- What was life like in that period?
What cross-curricular opportunities are there and how will the resource best facilitate teaching and promote learning?
- To take a virtual journey through Tudor Bristol.
- To design a Roman coin promoting the school ethos.
10.30 Coffee
2 – The birth of Avonmouth Village (and the significance of Avonmouth during World War l)
Aim – to produce lesson plans that are;
- cross curricular
- linked to Avonmouth
- making use of the local environment
- tailored to each year group
12.00 Lunch
3 – Producing a guide to Avonmouth
Aim – to produce schemes of work that are;
- cross curricular
- developing literacy skills at all levels
- promoting a sense of civic pride in the area
- using Avonmouth as a resource
- tailored to each year group